In Common Lisp it is relatively easy to create a macro-defining macro. For example, the following macro
(defmacro abbrev (short long)
`(defmacro ,short (&rest args)
`(,',long ,@args)))
is a macro-defining macro, because it expands to another macro.
If we now put
(abbrev def defun)
in our program, we can write def
instead of defun
whenever we define a new function.
Of course, abbrev
can be used for other things, too. For example, after
(abbrev /. lambda)
we can write (/. (x) (+ x 1))
instead of (lambda (x) (+ x 1))
. Nice. (For detailed explanation of abbrev, see
Now, my questions are:
- Can I write the macro-defining macros in Racket?
- If I can, how to do that? (for example, how to write something similar to
macro in Racket?)