The question is about to use a variable in a script means to me it will be used in SQL*Plus.
The problem is you missed the quotes and Oracle can not parse the value to number.
SQL> DEFINE num = 2018
SQL> SELECT &num AS your_num FROM dual;
old 1: SELECT &num AS your_num FROM dual
new 1: SELECT 2018 AS your_num FROM dual
Elapsed: 00:00:00.01
This sample is works fine because of automatic type conversion (or whatever it is called).
If you check by typing DEFINE in SQL*Plus, it will shows that num variable is CHAR.
DEFINE NUM = "2018" (CHAR)
It is not a problem in this case, because Oracle can deal with parsing string to number if it would be a valid number.
When the string can not parse to number, than Oracle can not deal with it.
SQL> DEFINE num = 'Doh'
SQL> SELECT &num AS your_num FROM dual;
old 1: SELECT &num AS your_num FROM dual
new 1: SELECT Doh AS your_num FROM dual
SELECT Doh AS your_num FROM dual
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00904: "DOH": invalid identifier
With a quote, so do not force Oracle to parse to number, will be fine:
17:31:00 SQL> SELECT '&num' AS your_num FROM dual;
old 1: SELECT '&num' AS your_num FROM dual
new 1: SELECT 'Doh' AS your_num FROM dual
So, to answer the original question, it should be do like this sample:
SQL> DEFINE stupidvar = 'X'
SQL> SELECT 'print stupidvar:' || '&stupidvar'
2 FROM dual
3 WHERE dummy = '&stupidvar';
old 1: SELECT 'print stupidvar:' || '&stupidvar'
new 1: SELECT 'print stupidvar:' || 'X'
old 3: WHERE dummy = '&stupidvar'
new 3: WHERE dummy = 'X'
print stupidvar:X
Elapsed: 00:00:00.00
There is an other way to store variable in SQL*Plus by using Query Column Value.
The COL[UMN] has new_value option to store value from query by field name.
SQL> COLUMN stupid_column_name new_value stupid_var noprint
SQL> SELECT dummy || '.log' AS stupid_column_name
2 FROM dual;
Elapsed: 00:00:00.00
SQL> SPOOL &stupid_var.
SQL> SELECT '&stupid_var' FROM DUAL;
old 1: SELECT '&stupid_var' FROM DUAL
new 1: SELECT 'X.log' FROM DUAL
Elapsed: 00:00:00.00
As you can see, X.log value was set into the stupid_var variable, so we can find a X.log file in the current directory has some log in it.