My end goal is to get universal time from client with NO offset - just UTC time. I try to accomplish this like so:
Javascript: (new Date()).toUTCString()
, the output of which logs: Thu, 17 Mar 2016 15:13:23 GMT
, which is exactly what I need.
Then I take it to server and try to convert it to DateTimeOffset
string dateTimeOffsetPattern = "ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss 'GMT'";
DateTimeOffset clientLoginTime = DateTimeOffset.ParseExact
(timeStringFromClient, dateTimeOffsetPattern, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
Which results in:
3/17/2016 3:13:23 PM -04:00
Somehow it adjusts the time for my local (Eastern) offset. I do NOT want this to happen, I want it to just return the UTC time, like so:
3/17/2016 3:13:23 PM +00:00
P.S. I did just ask another question about this, and I apologize, since I feel like it should be easy enough, but I don't get it. This should be really simple, but it looks like offset doesn't have a setter (unless I am completely missing some C# basics as usual):
public TimeSpan Offset { get; }
. Especially when using browsers where the culture of the browse will determine the string of the date if you send it like that. – Consistory