I've noticed this happening a few times but this most recent instance is with wp-cli
Running brew upgrade wp-cli
does not download the latest version.
$ brew upgrade wp-cli
Error: homebrew/php/wp-cli 0.20.1 already installed
$ brew info wp-cli
homebrew/php/wp-cli: stable 0.20.1, HEAD
A set of command-line tools for managing WordPress installations.
/usr/local/Cellar/wp-cli/0.20.1 (2635 files, 15M) *
Built from source
From: https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-php/blob/master/Formula/wp-cli.rb
Note the version is 0.20.1
. When I check the formula repo, I see,
head "https://github.com/wp-cli/wp-cli.git"
When I check that repo, I see that the version in the master branch is 0.24.0. brew info
and wp --version
both return 0.20.1
. Why isnt Homebrew grabbing the latest version? How do I force it to get the latest?
brew update
first ? – Ipsambul