I'm trying to use flatmap to make a nested loop with the Stream API, but I can't seem to figure it out. As an example, I want to recreate the following loop:
List<String> xs = Arrays.asList(new String[]{ "one","two", "three"});
List<String> ys = Arrays.asList(new String[]{"four", "five"});
System.out.println("*** Nested Loop ***");
for (String x : xs)
for (String y : ys)
System.out.println(x + " + " + y);
I can do it like this, but this seems ugly:
System.out.println("*** Nested Stream ***");
xs.stream().forEach(x ->
ys.stream().forEach(y -> System.out.println(x + " + " + y))
Flatmap looks promising, but how can I access the variable in the outer loop?
System.out.println("*** Flatmap *** ");
xs.stream().flatMap(x -> ys.stream()).forEach(y -> System.out.println("? + " + y));
*** Nested Loop ***
one + four
one + five
two + four
two + five
three + four
three + five
*** Nested Stream ***
one + four
one + five
two + four
two + five
three + four
three + five
*** Flatmap ***
? + four
? + five
? + four
? + five
? + four
? + five