Since Qt 5.7, you can change the default Qt Quick text render type, but unfortunately only at build time. In order to change the default, you would have to rebuild
set to NativeRendering
. For more details, see .
If you have installed Qt using an installer from, install the source packages using the maintenance tool if you already haven't done so, navigate to qtdeclarative/src/quick
, run qmake with the define, and build. Something along the lines:
cd path/to/Qt/Sources/5.8/qtdeclarative/src/quick
# NOTE: make sure to run qmake from the same/correct Qt installation
path/to/Qt/5.8/<spec>/qmake "DEFINES+=QT_QUICK_DEFAULT_TEXT_RENDER_TYPE=NativeRendering"
make -jN
If you have a self-built Qt installation, invoke make clean
(or if you want to save time, just delete qquicktext*.o
) before make
to rebuild the library.
EDIT: Since Qt 5.10, it is also possible to specify the default text render type in C++ via QQuickWindow::setTextRenderType()
. Just notice to set it before loading the QML content.