I'm facing an issue with Lua while using the table.sort function. I wrote a little snippet ready for you to test, if you want to convince yourselves.
test = {"apple", "Bee", "clown" }
table.sort( test )
for k, v in pairs( test ) do
print( k, v )
The result is
1 Bee
2 apple
3 clown
even though my desired result would look like this
1 apple
2 Bee
3 clown
I already managed to figure out that this is because the table.sort function uses the default "<" operator, and "B" has an ASCII-value of 66, which is obviously lower than the ASCII value of "a" or "c", which are 97 and 99 respectively. I know that I'm able to apply a custom function when calling table.sort, but I have no clue how that function would look like.
Also, it is not an option to make all letters lower- or uppercase, unless you'd be able to restore them later.
Any help is greatly appreciated.