i tried to follow this tutorial on how to convert a Keras H5 Model zu ProtoBuff and serving it using Tensorflow Serve: https://towardsdatascience.com/deploying-keras-models-using-tensorflow-serving-and-flask-508ba00f1037
That tutorial among many other resources on the web use "tf.saved_model.simple_save", which is deprecated and removed by now (March 2019). Converting the h5 into pb using freeze_session as shown here: How to export Keras .h5 to tensorflow .pb?
Seems to miss a "serve" Tag, as the tensorflow_model_server outputs:
Loading servable: {name: ImageClassifier version: 1} failed: Not found: Could not find meta graph def matching supplied tags: { serve }. To inspect available tag-sets in the SavedModel, please use the SavedModel CLI: saved_model_cli
checked it with saved_model_cli, there are no tags.
What is the way to make a h5 model serveable in tensorflow_server nowadays?