I am getting markdown text from my API like this:
biography:'## Computers
I like **computers** so much.
I wanna *be* a computer.',
biography column includes markdown string like above.
## Computers
I like **computers** so much.
I wanna *be* a computer.
I want to take this markdown text and convert to docx string for my reports.
In my docx template:
I am using python3 docxtpl package for creating docx and it's working for simple texts.
- I tried BeautifulSoup for convert markdown to docx text but it doesn't work for styles(bold, italic etc.).
- I tried pandoc and it worked but it just create a docx file, I want to add rendered markdown text to existing docx(while creating).
My current code:
import docx
from docxtpl import DocxTemplate, RichText
import markdown
import jinja2
import markupsafe
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import pypandoc
def safe_markdown(text):
return markupsafe.Markup(markdown.markdown(text))
def mark2html(value):
html = markdown.markdown(value)
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, features='html.parser')
output = pypandoc.convert_text(value,'rtf',format='md')
return RichText(value) #tried soup and pandoc..
def from_template(template):
template = DocxTemplate(template)
context = {
'simpleText':'Simple text test.',
'markdownText':'Markdown **text** test.'
jenv = jinja2.Environment()
jenv.filters['markdown'] = safe_markdown
jenv.filters["mark2html"] = mark2html
So, how can I add rendered markdown to existed docx or while creating, maybe with a jinja2 filter?