I have an angular service called requestNotificationChannel
app.factory("requestNotificationChannel", function($rootScope) {
function deleteMessage(id, index) {
$rootScope.$broadcast(_DELETE_MESSAGE_, { id: id, index: index });
return {
deleteMessage: deleteMessage
I am trying to unit test this service using jasmine:
"use strict";
describe("Request Notification Channel", function() {
var requestNotificationChannel, rootScope, scope;
beforeEach(function(_requestNotificationChannel_) {
inject(function($injector, _requestNotificationChannel_) {
rootScope = $injector.get("$rootScope");
scope = rootScope.$new();
requestNotificationChannel = _requestNotificationChannel_;
spyOn(rootScope, '$broadcast');
it("should broadcast delete message notification", function(done) {
requestNotificationChannel.deleteMessage(1, 4);
expect(rootScope.$broadcast).toHaveBeenCalledWith("_DELETE_MESSAGE_", { id: 1, index: 4 });
I read about the Asynchronous Support in Jasmine, but as I am rather new to unit testing with javascript couldn't make it work.
I am receiving an error :
Async callback was not invoked within timeout specified by jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL
and my test is taking too long to execute (about 5s).
Can somebody help me providing working example of my code with some explanation?
expects - very common while debugging and taking some time to inspect variables. – TurbineafterEach
step that was clearing out the database (using thedeleteMany
method). Addingjest.setTimeout(30000);
in thebeforeAll
method seems to have fixed this for me - I'm guessing since the database deletion is a network call (inside the condition), it was sometimes taking longer than 3 secs and throwing. – Wont