It is possible and here is how I do the same thing with a table of inputs.
wrap the table in a form like so
Then just use this
I have a form with multi-nested directives that all contain input(s), select(s), etc...
These elements are all enclosed in ng-repeats, and dynamic string values.
This is how to use the directive:
<form name="myFormName">
<nested directives of many levels>
<your table here>
<perhaps a td here>
ex: <input ng-repeat=(index, variable) in variables" type="text"
my-name="{{ + '/' + 'myFormName' }}"
ng-model="" required />
ex: <select ng-model="" ng-options="label in label in {{ variable.options }}"
my-name="{{ + index + '/' + 'myFormName' }}"
Note: you can add and index to the string concatenation if you need to serialize perhaps a table of inputs; which is what I did.
app.directive('myName', function(){
var myNameError = "myName directive error: "
return {
restrict:'A', // Declares an Attributes Directive.
require: 'ngModel', // ngModelController.
link: function( scope, elem, attrs, ngModel ){
if( !ngModel ){ return } // no ngModel exists for this element
// check myName input for proper formatting ex. something/something
var inputName = attrs.myName.match('^\\w+').pop(); // match upto '/'
assignInputNameToInputModel(inputName, ngModel);
var formName = attrs.myName.match('\\w+$').pop(); // match after '/'
findForm(formName, ngModel, scope);
} // end link
} // end return
function checkInputFormat(attrs){
if( !/\w\/\w/.test(attrs.rsName )){
throw myNameError + "Formatting should be \"inputName/formName\" but is " + attrs.rsName
function assignInputNameToInputModel(inputName, ngModel){
ngModel.$name = inputName
function addInputNameToForm(formName, ngModel, scope){
scope[formName][ngModel.$name] = ngModel; return
function findForm(formName, ngModel, scope){
if( !scope ){ // ran out of scope before finding scope[formName]
throw myNameError + "<Form> element named " + formName + " could not be found."
if( formName in scope){ // found scope[formName]
addInputNameToForm(formName, ngModel, scope)
findForm(formName, ngModel, scope.$parent) // recursively search through $parent scopes
This should handle many situations where you just don't know where the form will be. Or perhaps you have nested forms, but for some reason you want to attach this input name to two forms up? Well, just pass in the form name you want to attach the input name to.
What I wanted, was a way to assign dynamic values to inputs that I will never know, and then just call $scope.myFormName.$valid.
You can add anything else you wish: more tables more form inputs, nested forms, whatever you want. Just pass the form name you want to validate the inputs against. Then on form submit ask if the $scope.yourFormName.$valid