You can write a flash plugin using the Flex SDK. I have written a base class that inherits from Sprite to handle this.
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.DisplayObject;
import com.longtailvideo.jwplayer.player.IPlayer;
import com.longtailvideo.jwplayer.view.components.ComponentButton;
import com.longtailvideo.jwplayer.view.interfaces.IControlbarComponent;
public class ExtendedPlugin extends Sprite
protected var _player:IPlayer;
public function ExtendedPlugin()
public function hideControlbarButton(buttonName:String):void {
var controlbar:IControlbarComponent = _player.controls.controlbar;
var button:DisplayObject = controlbar.getButton(buttonName);
button.height = 0;
button.width = 0;
Then you can write your plugin by inheriting from this class.
public class MyPlugin extends ExtendedPlugin implements IPlugin
public function initPlugin(player:IPlayer, config:PluginConfig):void
_player = player;
If you wanted to hide the play and pause buttons for example you would do the following:
You will need the correct library imports for this as well. You will then also need to reference the SWF in the jwplayer parameters.