I have a non-restful controller that I am trying to use the cancan authorize! method to apply permissions to.
I have a delete_multiple action that starts like so
def delete_multiple
@invoices = apparent_user.invoices.find(params[:invoice_ids])
I want to check that the user has permission to delete all of these invoices before proceeding. If I use
authorize! :delete_multiple, @invoices
permission is refused. My ability.rb includes the following
if user.admin?
can :manage, :all
elsif user.approved_user?
can [:read, :update, :destroy, :delete_multiple], Invoice, :user_id => user.id
Is it a matter of looping through my array and calling authorize individually or is there a smarter way of doing things? I'm starting to feel like doing authorizations would be easier manually than by using cancan for a complicated non-restful controller (although I have plenty of other restful controllers in my app where it works great).