So in attempting to learn how to use C-Strings in C++, I'm running into issues with memory allocation.
The idea here is that a new string is created of the format (s1 + sep + s2) The text I'm using provided the header, so I can't change that, but I'm running into issues trying to set the size of char str[]. I am getting an error saying that sLength is not constant, and therefore cannot be used to set the size of an array. I'm relatively new to C++ so this is a two part question.
Is this strategy actually allocating memory for the new array?
How do I set the array size correctly if I can't get a constant value using strlen(char*)?
char* concatStrings(char* s1, char* s2, char sep){ int sLength = strlen(s1) + strlen(s2) + 3; //+1 for char sep +2 for \0 at end of string char *str = new char[sLength]; strcpy (str, s1); str [sLength(s1)] = sep; strcat (str, s2); return str; }
Edits made, so now I'm getting no compiler errors but...
The call to the function is here:
char* str = concatStrings("Here is String one", "Here is String two" , c);
cout<< str;
My output becomes:
Here is String onec==================22221/21/21/21/2 /(etc.)/ Here is String two
for a while before looking into C strings. Don't pick C strings overstd::string
to use, as there are all kinds of problems. – Garblestd::string
over C strings. However, the OP clearly states that this is a learning exercise which is a perfectly valid reason (IMO) to use C strings. – Rectorystd::string
. It's a fantastic example of RAII and just a class done right... – Bibelot