I am planning on writing a web-based diagram editor. If it were for the desktop, I'd have chosen Eclipse GEF as the platform to build it.
For the web, I'm considering d3.js, but I'm a bit worried that almost every example and article that I came across on d3 was for visualizing data, and not really for an interactive point-and-click, select-and-connect, drag-and-draw kind of usage.
I might still be able to force-fit d3 into the making of this editor, but then I wonder if d3 would evolve in ways that would make it continually painful to maintain the editor going forward.
So my question to the community is: from a software architecture standpoint, is d3 a good choice for building a free-form diagram editor? Can you pont me to API, d3 internal code, articles, or examples that would prove that such an editor can stand in the long term?