I have a bunch of remote MySQL servers, that allow connection only from localhost. To connect to them I do the following:
ssh host
mysql -uuser -psecret -hhost.myhost.com
In emacs I configured the connection to local MySQL, using sql-mysql-mode:
(setq sql-connection-alist
(sql-product 'mysql)
(sql-server "localhost")
(sql-user "user")
(sql-password "secret")
(sql-database "")
(sql-port 3306))
(defun sql-connect-preset (name)
"Connect to a predefined SQL connection listed in `sql-connection-alist'"
(eval `(let ,(cdr (assoc name sql-connection-alist))
(flet ((sql-get-login (&rest what)))
(sql-product-interactive sql-product)))))
(defun sql-local ()
"Connect to the local MySQL server"
(sql-connect-preset 'pool-a)
(define-key global-map [f10] 'sql-local)
So, every time I click F10
, I get MySQL shell.
Is it possible to tune sql-mysql, so it connected to external machine via ssh and used mysql program on that machine, so I could connect from Emacs to everywhere?