Well, the profiler never lies.
Since I have a pretty stable hierarchy of 18-20 types that is not changing very much, I wondered if just using a simple enum'd member would do the trick and avoid the purportedly "high" cost of RTTI. I was skeptical if RTTI was in fact more expensive than just the if
statement it introduces. Boy oh boy, is it.
It turns out that RTTI is expensive, much more expensive than an equivalent if
statement or a simple switch
on a primitive variable in C++. So S.Lott's answer is not completely correct, there is extra cost for RTTI, and it's not due to just having an if
statement in the mix. It's due to that RTTI is very expensive.
This test was done on the Apple LLVM 5.0 compiler, with stock optimizations turned on (default release mode settings).
So, I have below 2 functions, each of which figures out the concrete type of an object either via 1) RTTI or 2) a simple switch. It does so 50,000,000 times. Without further ado, I present to you the relative runtimes for 50,000,000 runs.
That's right, the dynamicCasts
took 94% of runtime. While the regularSwitch
block only took 3.3%.
Long story short: If you can afford the energy to hook-in an enum
'd type as I did below, I'd probably recommend it, if you need to do RTTI and performance is paramount. It only takes setting the member once (make sure to get it via all constructors), and be sure to never write it afterward.
That said, doing this should not mess up your OOP practices.. it's only meant to be used when type information simply isn't available and you find yourself cornered into using RTTI.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
enum AnimalClassTypeTag
} ;
struct Animal
int typeTag ;// really AnimalClassTypeTag, but it will complain at the |= if
// at the |='s if not int
Animal() {
typeTag=TypeAnimal; // start just base Animal.
// subclass ctors will |= in other types
virtual ~Animal(){}//make it polymorphic too
} ;
struct Cat : public Animal
typeTag|=TypeCat; //bitwise OR in the type
} ;
struct BigCat : public Cat
} ;
struct Dog : public Animal
} ;
typedef unsigned long long ULONGLONG;
void dynamicCasts(vector<Animal*> &zoo, ULONGLONG tests)
ULONGLONG animals=0,cats=0,bigcats=0,dogs=0;
for( ULONGLONG i = 0 ; i < tests ; i++ )
for( Animal* an : zoo )
if( dynamic_cast<Dog*>( an ) )
else if( dynamic_cast<BigCat*>( an ) )
else if( dynamic_cast<Cat*>( an ) )
else //if( dynamic_cast<Animal*>( an ) )
printf( "%lld animals, %lld cats, %lld bigcats, %lld dogs\n", animals,cats,bigcats,dogs ) ;
//*NOTE: I changed from switch to if/else if chain
void regularSwitch(vector<Animal*> &zoo, ULONGLONG tests)
ULONGLONG animals=0,cats=0,bigcats=0,dogs=0;
for( ULONGLONG i = 0 ; i < tests ; i++ )
for( Animal* an : zoo )
if( an->typeTag & TypeDog )
else if( an->typeTag & TypeBigCat )
else if( an->typeTag & TypeCat )
printf( "%lld animals, %lld cats, %lld bigcats, %lld dogs\n", animals,cats,bigcats,dogs ) ;
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
vector<Animal*> zoo ;
zoo.push_back( new Animal ) ;
zoo.push_back( new Cat ) ;
zoo.push_back( new BigCat ) ;
zoo.push_back( new Dog ) ;
ULONGLONG tests=50000000;
dynamicCasts( zoo, tests ) ;
regularSwitch( zoo, tests ) ;
in C++, and now, 9 out of 10 times when I "break" the program with the debugger, it breaks inside the internal dynamic-cast function. It's damn slow. – Sonde