I will show you a way to do that. This code is just for learning. Here I not talking about design and best practices, so feel free to change anything you want.
Well, You must follow the next steps:
1) Create a custom ApiExplorer:
public class MyApiExplorer: ApiExplorer
private readonly string _version;
public MyApiExplorer(string version) : base(GlobalConfiguration.Configuration)
_version = version != null ? version.ToUpperInvariant() : "V1";
foreach(var apiDescription in ApiDescriptions)
apiDescription.RelativePath = apiDescription.RelativePath.Replace("{version}", _version);
public override bool ShouldExploreController(string controllerVariableValue, HttpControllerDescriptor controllerDescriptor,
IHttpRoute route)
return controllerDescriptor.ControllerType.FullName.Contains(_version);
a) In the constructor _version will be converted to upperCase (just in
case it will be passed as lowerCase) but if it is null then it will
take V1 as default. Then change relative path to show specific version
instead of {version}.
b) ShouldExploreController (in short words)
decide if specific controller is taken to show in documentation. In
this case we will only show controllers that its type full name contains
choosed version.
2) Go to HelpController class and change Index method like this:
public ActionResult Index(string version)
Configuration.Services.Replace(typeof(IApiExplorer), new MyApiExplorer(version));
return View(Configuration.Services.GetApiExplorer().ApiDescriptions);
We are replacing current ApiExplorer by our own in order to be
returned when call to Configuration.Services.GetApiExplorer()
Now you can use this .../help?version=v1 or .../help?version=v2 or .../help?version=v3 and you will get specific api controller documentation.