I am writing an application that uses the Kinect photo data and compares two frames against each other in F#. I am using Rob Miles Learn the Kinect Api page 74 as a guidepost but I am not using pointers and the performance is suffering. The byte from the Kinect frame is 1,228,800 bytes. I wrote the comparison like this:
member this.differenceCount(currentImageBytes) =
if previousImageBytes |> Seq.length = 0 then
previousImageBytes <- currentImageBytes
let bytes = Seq.zip previousImageBytes currentImageBytes
let differenceCount = bytes |> Seq.mapi(fun i e -> i, e)
|> Seq.filter(fun (i,e) -> i % 4 <> 0 )
|> Seq.map snd
|> Seq.filter(fun (p,c) -> p <> c)
|> Seq.length
previousImageBytes <- currentImageBytes
When I run it, the screen lags because (I think) it is taking too long to process the arrays. In addition, the error rate is approaching 50%.
1) Am I approaching the problem wrong? 2) Is there a way to optimize my code to speed things up?