So the answer to the original question, can you join scopes with 'or' instead of 'and' seems to be "no you can't". But you can hand code a completely different scope or query that does the job, or use a different framework from ActiveRecord e.g. MetaWhere or Squeel. Not useful in my case
I'm 'or'ing a scope generated by pg_search, which does a bit more than select, it includes order by ASC, which makes a mess of a clean union. I want to 'or' it with a handcrafted scope that does stuff I can't do in pg_search. So I've had to do it like this.
Product.find_by_sql("(#{Product.code_starts_with('Tom').to_sql}) union (#{Product.name_starts_with('Tom').to_sql})")
I.e. turn the scopes into sql, put brackets around each one, union them together and then find_by_sql using the sql generated. It's a bit rubbish, but it does work.
No, don't tell me I can use "against: [:name,:code]" in pg_search, I'd like to do it like that, but the 'name' field is an hstore, which pg_search can't handle yet. So the scope by name has to be hand crafted and then unioned with the pg_search scope.