I've created a website that uses the YouTube data API to get YouTube data for a chosen user. This has always worked fine for me, but the amount of traffic is now at a level that embedding YouTube images is no longer a 100% solid.
I use the YouTube Data API V3 to get the image URL of YouTube banner images, which are then added as the src attribute for an existing <img>
Because the website has pretty high amounts of traffic (mostly 500-3000 realtime users) the YouTube image servers (like this one: https://yt3.ggpht.com) started returning a 403 error when my server sends to many (image) GET requests. The error looks like this:
- That’s an error.
Your client does not have permission to get URL https://yt3.ggpht.com/Xs3rhrNjuGoNnd6aXPdZqdfiOIp5EbvN9-PYSaP8xTY1cx6Ced5No6sHNZupNrQmsidY2W-X=w2560-fcrop64=1,00005a57ffffa5a8-nd-c0xffffffff-rj-k-no from this server. (Client IP address: xx.xx.xxx.xxx)
Rate-limit exceeded That’s all we know.
From the moment this limit is exceeded, my website shows no images (from the YouTube image server) for a while and after x minutes when the exceeded limit is reset the images work again. I want to prevent this from happening, because the YouTube bannerimage is important for the UX of my website.
My first question: Does anyone know what the exact numbers are for this rate limit on YouTube images? How many requests can be done in X time?
My second question: Does anyone know a solution to prevent triggering this error and still serve YouTube images to every user?
I have some theories of my own but they would have a lot of impact on my servers:
- Since the rate limit is bound to an IP address, I could run my website on multiple IP's with some kind of load balancer.
- I could save the images to my server when it is requested for the first time as a caching mechanism. When the image would get requested again I could serve it from my own server, which prevents limits from being exceeded. To prevent updated YouTube images from not showing I would have to delete the images every X hours.
I'd rather not do this because both of these theories would have big impact on the server load.