I am using Handlebars in my project and bundling templates using webpack. I am using handlebars-loader
to compile templates. I got issue when I created a small helper. Webpack shows this error when I use helper in my template:
You specified knownHelpersOnly, but used the unknown helper withCurrentItem - 5:4
This is my code:
test : /\.(tpl|hbs)$/,
loader : "handlebars-loader?helperDirs[]=" + __dirname + "templates/helpers"
// use : 'handlebars-loader?helperDirs[]=false' + __dirname + 'templates/helpers'
export default function (context, options) {
const contextWithCurrentItem = context
contextWithCurrentItem.currentItem = options.hash.currentItem
return options.fn(contextWithCurrentItem)
Template file(project/templates/products.tpl):
{{> partials/filters}}
<ul class="u-4-5">
{{#each data.products}}
{{> partials/product}}
{{withCurrentItem ../styles currentItem=this}}
I tried to resolve the problem and searched over the internet but I couldn't find any thing. This is what I have tried to:
query param to loader as:loader : "handlebars-loader?helperDirs[]=" + __dirname + "templates/helpers"
Add helpers directory path to
property of webpack config file
Sadly, none of them work.