I am trying to host a website with domain name but only on my machine (or accessible other machine on same network - optional). I don't want anyone else to access this website outside my home network. I want to use a fake domain name. For Ex: www.SampleWebsite.com - now when I type this website address on my machine it should open my application. But if I try this website from outside this should return not found (since this does not exist on internet). I know the basic hosting & I have hosted application on my local machine which is http://localhost/apps/TestApp/MyApplication address and is not accessible outside my laptop.
Is it just IIS setup? Do I need to setup something on my router? Does this required any special feature on router? Is there any third party tool (free) that can help me achieving this?
If above mentioned situation is possible then can I use existing domain for my application. Like facebook.com - and have my application running under that domain but this should not be accessible outside.
This site can’t be reached. www.facebook.com refused to connect.
Does that require something different? – Regalado