I'm trying to place a grid over San Jose like this:
You can make the grid visually using the following code:
ca_cities = tigris::places(state = "CA") #using tigris package to get shape file of all CA cities
sj = ca_cities[ca_cities$NAME == "San Jose",] #specifying to San Jose
UTM_ZONE = "10" #the UTM zone for San Jose, will be used to convert the proj4string of sj into UTM
main_sj = sj@polygons[[1]]@Polygons[[5]] #the portion of the shape file I focus on. This is the boundary of san jose
#converting the main_sj polygon into a spatialpolygondataframe using the sp package
tst_ps = sp::Polygons(list(main_sj), 1)
tst_sps = sp::SpatialPolygons(list(tst_ps))
proj4string(tst_sps) = proj4string(sj)
df = data.frame(f = 99.9)
tst_spdf = sp::SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(tst_sps, data = df)
#transforming the proj4string and declaring the finished map as "map"
map = sp::spTransform(tst_sps, CRS(paste0("+proj=utm +zone=",UTM_ZONE," ellps=WGS84")))
#designates the number of horizontal and vertical lines of the grid
#getting bounding box of map
bbox = map@bbox
#Marking the x and y coordinates for each of the grid lines.
x_spots = seq(bbox[1,1], bbox[1,2], length.out = NUM_LINES_HORZ)
y_spots = seq(bbox[2,1], bbox[2,2], length.out = NUM_LINES_VERT)
#creating the coordinates for the lines. top and bottom connect to each other. left and right connect to each other
top_vert_line_coords = expand.grid(x = x_spots, y = y_spots[1])
bottom_vert_line_coords = expand.grid(x = x_spots, y = y_spots[length(y_spots)])
left_horz_line_coords = expand.grid(x = x_spots[1], y = y_spots)
right_horz_line_coords = expand.grid(x = x_spots[length(x_spots)], y = y_spots)
#creating vertical lines and adding them all to a list
vert_line_list = list()
for(n in 1 : nrow(top_vert_line_coords)){
vert_line_list[[n]] = sp::Line(rbind(top_vert_line_coords[n,], bottom_vert_line_coords[n,]))
vert_lines = sp::Lines(vert_line_list, ID = "vert") #creating Lines object of the vertical lines
#creating horizontal lines and adding them all to a list
horz_line_list = list()
for(n in 1 : nrow(top_vert_line_coords)){
horz_line_list[[n]] = sp::Line(rbind(left_horz_line_coords[n,], right_horz_line_coords[n,]))
horz_lines = sp::Lines(horz_line_list, ID = "horz") #creating Lines object of the horizontal lines
all_lines = sp::Lines(c(horz_line_list, vert_line_list), ID = 1) #combining horizontal and vertical lines into a single grid format
grid_lines = sp::SpatialLines(list(all_lines)) #converting the lines object into a Spatial Lines object
proj4string(grid_lines) = proj4string(map) #ensuring the projections are the same between the map and the grid lines.
trimmed_grid = intersect(grid_lines, map) #grid that shapes to the san jose map
plot(map) #plotting the map of San Jose
lines(trimmed_grid) #plotting the grid
However, I am struggling to turn each grid 'square' (some of the grid pieces are not squares since they fit to the shape of the san jose map) into a bin which I could input data into. Put another way, if each grid 'square' was numbered 1:n, then I could make a dataframe like this:
grid_id num_assaults num_thefts
1 1 100 89
2 2 55 456
3 3 12 1321
4 4 48 498
5 5 66 6
and fill each grid 'square' with data the point location of each crime occurrence, hopefully using the over()
function from the sp
I have tried solving this problem for weeks, and I can't figure it out. I have looked for an easy solution, but I can't seem to find it. Any help would be appreciated.