I wrote a simple command line utility that accepts a text file and searches for a given word in it using the click module.
import click
@click.option('--name', prompt='Word or string')
@click.option('--filename', default='file.txt', prompt='file name')
@click.option('--param', default=1, prompt="Use 1 for save line and 2 for word, default: ")
def find(name, filename, param):
"""Simple program that find word or string at text file and put it in new"""
with open(filename) as f, open('result.txt', 'w') as f2:
count = 0
for line in f:
if name in line:
if param == 1:
f2.write(line + '\n')
elif param == 2:
f2.write(name + '\n')
count += 1
print("Find: {} sample".format(count))
return count
except FileNotFoundError:
print('WARNING! ' + 'File: ' + filename + ' not found')
if __name__ == '__main__':
Now I need to write a test using unittest (using unittest is required).
import unittest
import sfind
class SfindTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_sfind(self):
self.assertEqual(sfind.find(), 4)
if __name__ == '__main__' :
When I run the test:
python -m unittest test_sfind.py
I get an error
click.exceptions.UsageError: Got unexpected extra argument (test_sfind.py)
How can I test this click command?
for the test. – Hyphenpython -m unittest test_sfind.SfindTest
– Sewerfind()
function, whereas it takes 3... – Sewermock
and theunittest
package? – Hyphenself.assertEqual(sfind.find(name='and', filename='text.txt', param=1), 4)
exact errorTypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'name'
– Motivename='and'
, but just pass'and'
, as yours are not keyword arguments... – SewerError: Got unexpected extra arguments (a n d) exact
(( – Motiveself.assertEqual(sfind.find('and', 'text.txt', 1),4)
? – Sewermock
was an external library, but has been adopted into standard library. – Hyphensys.argv
? – Sewerunittest
framework... – Sewer