I have a Dataframe with around 80.000 observations taken every 15 min. The seasonal parameter m is assumed with 96, because every 24h the pattern repeats. When I insert these informations in my auto_arima algorithm, it takes a long time (some hours) until the following error message is given out:
MemoryError: Unable to allocate 5.50 GiB for an array with shape (99, 99, 75361) and data type float64
The code that I am using:
stepwise_fit = auto_arima(df['Hges'], seasonal=True, m=96, stepwise=True,
stationary=True, trace=True)
I tried it with resampling to hourly values, to reduce the amount of data and the m-factor to 24, but still my computer cannot calculate the result.
How do find the weighting factors with auto_arima when you deal with large data ?