I would like to solve the system of linear equations:
Ax = b
A is a n x m
matrix (not square), b and x are both n x 1
vectors. Where A and b are known, n is from the order of 50-100 and m is about 2 (in other words, A could be maximum [100x2]).
I know the solution of x
: $x = \inv(A^T A) A^T b$
I found few ways to solve it: uBLAS (Boost), Lapack, Eigen and etc. but i dont know how fast are the CPU computation time of 'x' using those packages. I also don't know if this numerically a fast why to solve 'x'
What is for my important is that the CPU computation time would be short as possible and good documentation since i am newbie.
After solving the normal equation Ax = b
i would like to improve my approximation using regressive and maybe later applying Kalman Filter.
My question is which C++ library is the robuster and faster for the needs i describe above?