I have a bunch of products with a bunch of different possible attributes for each product. E.g. Product A has a name, size, color, shape. Product B has a name, calories, sugar, etc. One way to solve this is like:
1) Create tables
Products (id, name)
Attributes (id, name)
Product_Attributes (product_id, attribute_id, value as string)
This allows for maximum flexibility, but I have heard a lot of people recommend against this although I am not sure why. I mean, if those tables were called Teams, Players, Team_Players we would all agree that this is proper relational design.
Everyone who explains to me why this is bad does so in the context of a completely flexible relational design where you don't ever create real tables past a basic few basic initial tables (e.g. object, attribute, object_attribute)-- which I think we all can agree is bad. But this is a much more limited and contained version of that (only Products, not every object in the system), so I don't think it is fair to group these two architectures together.
What issues have you encountered (experience or theoretical) that makes this design so bad?
2) Another way to solve this is to create a Product table with a bunch of columns like Size, Color, Shape, Weight, Sugar, etc and then include some extra columns at the end to give us some flexibility. This will create generally sparse rows filled mostly with NULLs. People tend to like this approach, but my question is how many columns can you have before this approach loses its performance benefits? If you have 200 columns, I imagine this is no longer a smart move, but what about 100 columns? 50 columns? 25 columns?
3) The final approach I know about is to store all of the attributes as a blob (JSON perhaps) in a single column of the Products table. I like this approach but it doesn't feel right. Queries are hard. And if you want to be able to easily change the name of an attribute later, you either have to parse every record individually or have them keyed in your blob by some id. If you go the id path then you will need another table Attributes and things start to look like approach #1 from above except you won't be able to join the attribute_id with your blob, so I hope you didn't want to query anything by attribute name.
What I like about this approach though is you can query one product and in your code you can easily access all the properties it has -- fast. And if you delete a product, you won't have to cleanup other tables -- easy to stay consistent.
4) I have read some things about being able to index strongly typed xml formats in some RDBMSs, but I honestly don't know much about this approach.
I am stuck. I feel like approach #1 is the best bet, but everything I read says that way stinks. What is the right way to think about this problem to be able to decide what is the best method for a given situation? More ideas than what I have listed are obviously welcomed!