I am working with python and git on a simple Turbogears2 project that I've built just for fun. In a certain moment I want to deploy it to Heroku, so I do the usual pip freeze > requirements.txt
and I get this error:
Error when trying to get requirement for VCS system Command /usr/bin/git config
remote.origin.url failed with error code 1 in /home/ricardo/myprojs/hellotg22/example,
falling back to uneditable format
And in the requirements.txt
that it produces, listed between all the dependencies, I find this line, whi doesn't look good at all:
## !! Could not determine repository location
Does any body know what the problem is?
Anyway, I have managed to obtain the requirements.txt file, but I would like to know what is going on with that error.
sudo pip install --upgrade distribute
within its virtual environment, but it is still giving me the same error. – Incendiary