The example by lpapp above didn't work for me, as I got
qt.qpa.screen: QXcbConnection: Could not connect to display localhost:10.0
Could not connect to any X display.
when running without an X display (any value for DISPLAY, not just localhost:10.0
There was a workaround - export QT_QPA_PLATFORM='offscreen'
- but that's not a command line option, your user is expected to do it, which isn't nice.
So, following posting a question here, further research lead me to the following QT5 document that explains the "approved" way to start up with or without a GUI depending on command line options:
However, your mileage may vary. The example there didn't "just work" for me, either!
I had to use the command line arg to then choose one of two methods to run. Each method created its own app object (QCoreApplication for headless, QApplication for GUI, as the docs show) and then running the app.
It may be because I'm working with "mostly Qt 4" code and compiling on Qt 5 that things are being a bit odd but this method now works, so I've not investigated further.