I'm new to Haskell. It's very nice so far, but I'm running into copy-pasting for my QuickCheck properties, and I'd like to fix that.
Here's a made-up example:
prop_Myfunc :: [Int] -> (Int,Int) -> Bool
prop_Myfunc ints (i,j) = ints !! i == ints !! j
This won't work because QuickCheck generates negative numbers, so I get
*** Failed! (after 2 tests and 2 shrinks):
Prelude.(!!): negative index
I've tried to google for solutions to this, and I've found e.g. NonNegative and ==>, but I don't understand how they work.
How can I restrict the above example so that i and j are never negative? And also, so that neither is too high? That is: 0 <= i,j < length ints
0 <= i,j < length ints
– Selfsustaining