I just saw one of Rich's talks on clojure.spec, and really want to give it a try on my project. I'm writing a series of tools for parsing C code using the eclipse CDT library, and I would like to spec that my functions accept and emit AST objects.
I think a very basic spec could be written for a function that takes the root of an AST and emits all the tree's leaves like this:
(import '(org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast IASTNode))
(require '[clojure.spec :as s])
(defn ast-node? [node] (instance? IASTNode node))
(s/def ::ast-node ast-node?)
(s/fdef leaves :args ::ast-node :ret (s/coll-of ::ast-node))
However when I try to exercise the code (s/exercise leaves)
I get an error:
Unable to construct gen at: [] for:
#:clojure.spec{:path [], :form #function[xxx.xxx/leaves], :failure :no-gen}
How can I write a custom generator for Java objects to fully spec and exercise my code?