This is a pretty old question, but I recently had to do the same (while dealing with 24-bit audio samples), and wrote my own solution for it. It's using a similar principle as this answer, but more generic, and potentially generates better code after compiling.
template <size_t Bits, typename T>
inline constexpr T sign_extend(const T& v) noexcept {
static_assert(std::is_integral<T>::value, "T is not integral");
static_assert((sizeof(T) * 8u) >= Bits, "T is smaller than the specified width");
if constexpr ((sizeof(T) * 8u) == Bits) return v;
else {
using S = struct { signed Val : Bits; };
return reinterpret_cast<const S*>(&v)->Val;
This has no hard-coded math, it simply lets the compiler do the work and figure out the best way to sign-extend the number. With certain widths, this can even generate a native sign-extension instruction in the assembly, such as MOVSX on x86.
This function assumes you copied your N-bit number into the lower N bits of the type you want to extend it to. So for example:
int16_t a = -42;
int32_t b{};
memcpy(&b, &a, sizeof(a));
b = sign_extend<16>(b);
Of course it works for any number of bits, extending it to the full width of the type that contained the data.
a function parameter as well. – Scriber