I was planning to move from MySQL to PostgreSQL because I wanted to make use of TimescaleDB.
Everything looked good until I did a check on the storage size used by PostgreSQL (v11.2) compared to MySQL (v5.6). For exactly the same number of rows (1,440,000) and content:
- MySQL: 156 MB
- PostgreSQL: 246 MB
- PostgreSQL + TimescaleDB (partitioned/chunked data): 324 MB
The MySQL and PostgreSQL numbers are like for like (i.e. including indexes and other constraints), the PostgreSQL + TimescaleDB has overhead of adding a timestamp to the table. The table concerned looks like this:
create table cell(
cell_id serial not null
,ts timestamp not null
,parent_id int references parent( parent_id )
,instance_id smallint
,v float
,a float
,t float
,s1 float
,s2 float
,s3 float
,s4 float
,s5 float
,primary key( cell_id )
create index ix_cell_pid on cell( parent_id );
create index ix_cell_inst on cell( instance_id );
Why does PostgreSQL occupy so much more storage than MySQL?
And is there some way of significantly reducing it near to the MySQL level?