I need help to install python via pyenv
$ pyenv -v
pyenv 1.2.27
I try to install version 3.6.8
$ pyenv install 3.6.8
I got error
Downloading Python-3.6.8.tar.xz... -> https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.6.8/Python-3.6.8.tar.xz Installing Python-3.6.8... /home/dn121283mvp1/.pyenv/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build: line 1804: 355307 Segmentation fault (core dumped) "$PYTHON_BIN" -s -m ensurepip ${ensurepip_opts} > /dev/null 2>&1 Installing pip from https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py... /home/dn121283mvp1/.pyenv/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build: line 1785: 355338 Segmentation fault (core dumped) "${PYTHON_BIN}" -s "${get_pip}" ${GET_PIP_OPTS} 1>&4 2>&1 error: failed to install pip via get-pip.py
BUILD FAILED (Fedora 34 using python-build 20180424)
Inspect or clean up the working tree at /tmp/python-build.20210506064823.343245 Results logged to /tmp/python-build.20210506064823.343245.log
Last 10 log lines: install|*) ensurepip="" ;; \ esac; \ ./python -E -m ensurepip \ $ensurepip --root=/ ; \ fi Looking in links: /tmp/tmp4a3uh2fu Collecting setuptools Collecting pip Installing collected packages: setuptools, pip Successfully installed pip-18.1 setuptools-40.6.2
I need version 3.6.8 to install