I know this is quite an old question but if you want to see what kind of responses you are going to get from webhooks or you need to need to access the developer environment then there are a selection of tools that can help you.
RequestBin is probably one of the simplest to use by, providing a unique URL that you can then set this as your endpoint for Event notifications. Using this URL you can check to see what responses you are receiving.
You can generate a unique URL by creating a RequestBin.
An Example URL is this:
This will be used to receive Event Notification Data and Receive Inbound Parse Data.
The results will then be found by heading to your RequestBin unique URL.
Ngork is also a tool that is useful for creating a local tunnel to your machine. This makes testing webhooks locally easy.
To setup install and enter the following in your CLI (after signing up first):
$ ngork 3000
This would open a connection to the port 3000 that is on your local machine, then at a URL you can put your URL for your PARSE Webhook or Event Webhook.
$ ngrok -subdomain=myappname 3000
Runscope is a tool for debugging APIs. It acts as a proxy, collecting all data sent to it and passes it on to another point. You may then, later, review what was sent to the API you’re debugging.
Source : https://sendgrid.com/docs/API_Reference/Webhooks/debug.html