I'm just learning haskell (on my own, for fun) and I've come up against a wall.
My Question:
How can I define a function
flrt = (floor . sqrt)
When I try it in a file and compile, GCHi complains with the following:
No instance for (RealFrac Integer)
arising from a use of `floor'
Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (RealFrac Integer)
In the first argument of `(.)', namely `floor'
In the expression: (floor . sqrt)
In an equation for `flrt': flrt = (floor . sqrt)
No instance for (Floating Integer)
arising from a use of `sqrt'
Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Floating Integer)
In the second argument of `(.)', namely `sqrt'
In the expression: (floor . sqrt)
In an equation for `flrt': flrt = (floor . sqrt)
I don't understand why the resulting function isn't just Int -> Int.
I've just finished my second year of CS and done a basic PL course. I've heard of, but don't quite get types yet. I tried reading through a few haskell tutorials but it's all going above my head.
P.S. - I also don't understand what a monad is. (a lot of the other questions that my search turned up talked about these)
P.P.S. - My full source
bar = \a b -> if (2^a) > b
then (a-1)
else bar (a+1) b
foo = bar 1
flrt :: Integer -> Integer
flrt = (floor . sqrt)
aks target = if (target < 2)
then putStr "Not a Prime.\n\n"
else if elem (mod target 10) [0,2,4,5,6,8]
then putStr "Composite\n\n"
else if (elem target) [a^b | a <- [3,5..(flrt target)], b <- [1.. (foo target)]]
then putStr "Composite\n\n"--}
putStr "filler"
floor $ sqrt
meansfloor sqrt
- you're trying to applyfloor
to functionsqrt
. What you want is function composition. Tryfloor . sqrt
. – Eskerfloor . sqrt
but wantintSqrt :: Integer -> Integer
(orNatural -> Natural
, really) instead.sqrt
goes through an impreciseFloat
, and considering that primality testing often works with very large numbers, the loss of precision might eventually bite you. But then again, your algorithm isn't particularly well suited to large numbers, so you might be fine :) – Redemptioner