Media queries are not supported at all in IE8 and below.
A Javascript based workaround
To add support for IE8, you could use one of several JS solutions. For example, Respond can be added to add media query support for IE8 only with the following code :
<!--[if lt IE 9]>
CSS Mediaqueries is another library that does the same thing. The code for adding that library to your HTML would be identical :
<!--[if lt IE 9]>
The alternative
If you don't like a JS based solution, you should also consider adding an IE<9 only stylesheet where you adjust your styling specific to IE<9. For that, you should add the following HTML to your code:
<!--[if lt IE 9]>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="style-ielt9.css"/>
Note :
Technically it's one more alternative: using CSS hacks to target IE<9. It has the same impact as an IE<9 only stylesheet, but you don't need a seperate stylesheet for that. I do not recommend this option, though, as they produce invalid CSS code (which is but one of several reasons why the use of CSS hacks is generally frowned upon today).