I'd like to extend @Daniel Wagner's excellent answer with a slightly different approach: instead of typechecking returning a valid type (if there is one), return a typed expression that is then guaranteed we can evaluate it (since the simply-typed lambda calculus is strongly normalizing). The basic idea is that check ctx t e
returns Just (ctx |- e :: t)
iff e
can be typed at t
in some context ctx
, and then given some typed expression ctx |- e :: t
, we can evaluate it in some Env
ironment of the right type.
The implementation
I will be using singletons to emulate the Pi type of check :: (ctx :: [Type]) -> (a :: Type) -> Term -> Maybe (TTerm ctx a)
, which means we will need to turn on every GHC extension and the kitchen sink:
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, KindSignatures, TypeFamilies, TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} -- sigh...
import Data.Singletons.Prelude
import Data.Singletons.TH
import Data.Type.Equality
The first bit is the untyped representation, straight from @Daniel Wagner's answer:
data Type = Base
| Arrow Type Type
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Term = Const
| Var Int
| Lam Type Term
| App Term Term
deriving Show
but we will also give semantics for these types by interpreting Base
as ()
and Arrow t1 t2
as t1 -> t2
type family Interp (t :: Type) where
Interp Base = ()
Interp (Arrow t1 t2) = Interp t1 -> Interp t2
To keep with the de Bruijn theme, contexts are the list of types, and variables are indices of the context. Given an environment of a context type, we can look up a variable index to get a value. Note that lookupVar
is a total function.
data VarIdx (ts :: [Type]) (a :: Type) where
Here :: VarIdx (a ': ts) a
There :: VarIdx ts a -> VarIdx (b ': ts) a
data Env (ts :: [Type]) where
Nil :: Env '[]
Cons :: Interp a -> Env ts -> Env (a ': ts)
lookupVar :: VarIdx ts a -> Env ts -> Interp a
lookupVar Here (Cons x _) = x
lookupVar (There v) (Cons _ xs) = lookupVar v xs
OK we have all the infrastructure in place to actually write some code. First of all, let's define a typed representation of Term
, together with a (total!) evaluator:
data TTerm (ctx :: [Type]) (a :: Type) where
TConst :: TTerm ctx Base
TVar :: VarIdx ctx a -> TTerm ctx a
TLam :: TTerm (a ': ctx) b -> TTerm ctx (Arrow a b)
TApp :: TTerm ctx (Arrow a b) -> TTerm ctx a -> TTerm ctx b
eval :: Env ctx -> TTerm ctx a -> Interp a
eval env TConst = ()
eval env (TVar v) = lookupVar v env
eval env (TLam lam) = \x -> eval (Cons x env) lam
eval env (TApp f e) = eval env f $ eval env e
So far so good. eval
is nice & total because its input can only represent well-typed terms of the simply-typed lambda calculus. So part of the work from @Daniel's evaluator will have to be done in the transformation of the untyped representation to the typed one.
The basic idea behind infer
is that if type inference succeeds, it returns Just $ TheTerm t e
, where t
is a Sing
leton witness of e
's type.
$(genSingletons [''Type])
$(singDecideInstance ''Type)
-- I wish I had sigma types...
data SomeTerm (ctx :: [Type]) where
TheTerm :: Sing a -> TTerm ctx a -> SomeTerm ctx
data SomeVar (ctx :: [Type]) where
TheVar :: Sing a -> VarIdx ctx a -> SomeVar ctx
-- ... and pi ones as well
infer :: Sing ctx -> Term -> Maybe (SomeTerm ctx)
infer _ Const = return $ TheTerm SBase TConst
infer ts (Var n) = do
TheVar t v <- inferVar ts n
return $ TheTerm t $ TVar v
infer ts (App f e) = do
TheTerm t0 e' <- infer ts e
TheTerm (SArrow t0' t) f' <- infer ts f
Refl <- testEquality t0' t0
return $ TheTerm t $ TApp f' e'
infer ts (Lam ty e) = case toSing ty of
SomeSing t0 -> do
TheTerm t e' <- infer (SCons t0 ts) e
return $ TheTerm (SArrow t0 t) $ TLam e'
inferVar :: Sing ctx -> Int -> Maybe (SomeVar ctx)
inferVar (SCons t _) 0 = return $ TheVar t Here
inferVar (SCons _ ts) n = do
TheVar t v <- inferVar ts (n-1)
return $ TheVar t $ There v
inferVar _ _ = Nothing
Hopefully the last step is obvious: since we can only evaluate a well-typed term at a given type (since that's what gives us the type of its Haskell embedding), we turn type infer
ence into type check
check :: Sing ctx -> Sing a -> Term -> Maybe (TTerm ctx a)
check ctx t e = do
TheTerm t' e' <- infer ctx e
Refl <- testEquality t t'
return e'
Example session
Let's try our functions out in GHCi:
λ» :set -XStandaloneDeriving -XGADTs
λ» deriving instance Show (VarIdx ctx a)
λ» deriving instance Show (TTerm ctx a)
λ» let id = Lam Base (Var 0) -- \x -> x
λ» check SNil (SBase `SArrow` SBase) id
Just (TLam (TVar Here))
λ» let const = Lam Base $ Lam Base $ Var 1 -- \x y -> x
λ» check SNil (SBase `SArrow` SBase) const
Nothing -- Oops, wrong type
λ» check SNil (SBase `SArrow` (SBase `SArrow` SBase)) const
Just (TLam (TLam (TVar Here)))
λ» :t eval Nil <$> check SNil (SBase `SArrow` (SBase `SArrow` SBase)) const
eval Nil <$> check SNil (SBase `SArrow` (SBase `SArrow` SBase)) const
:: Maybe (() -> () -> ())
-- Note that the `Maybe` there comes from `check`, not `eval`!
λ» let Just const' = check SNil (SBase `SArrow` (SBase `SArrow` SBase)) const
λ» :t eval Nil const'
eval Nil const' :: () -> () -> ()
λ» eval Nil const' () ()
, tuples(,)
, and the lambda constructor for functions, it tries to deduce an object with a given type. There's a related question about deducing Haskell code from types. – Castratos
seems to indicate you want dynamic checking, but you should clarify that. – Waddle