When reading the following TSV snippet with Apache Commons CSV:
Name DOB SIN Address, contact information
"Patience Middleton" "18-4-87" 720463771 "varius Cras sem aliquam taciti fames hendrerit tempor"
This is my code:
CSVFormat format = CSVFormat.newFormat('\t').withQuote('"');
CSVParser parsed = CSVParser.parse(csvData, format);
List<CSVRecord> record = parsed.getRecords();
However I always get a NullPointerException
stating that parsed.getHeaderMap() == null
According to the API (https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-csv/apidocs/org/apache/commons/csv/CSVParser.html), the method may return a copy of the header map that iterates in column order.
Is there something wrong in my code or CSV file? Is the library failing?