You can achive this e.g. by creating custom annotation @DocumentType
public class BillingRecordDocument {
String name;
// ...
Document will look like:
"type" : "billing"
"name" : "..."
Just create following classes:
Create custom AbstractReactiveCouchbaseConfiguration
or AbstractCouchbaseConfiguration
(depends which varian you use)
public class CustomReactiveCouchbaseConfiguration extends AbstractReactiveCouchbaseConfiguration {
// implement abstract methods
// and configure custom mapping convereter
public MappingCouchbaseConverter mappingCouchbaseConverter() throws Exception {
MappingCouchbaseConverter converter = new CustomMappingCouchbaseConverter(couchbaseMappingContext(), typeKey());
return converter;
public String typeKey() {
return "type"; // this will owerride '_class'
Create custom MappingCouchbaseConverter
public class CustomMappingCouchbaseConverter extends MappingCouchbaseConverter {
public CustomMappingCouchbaseConverter(final MappingContext<? extends CouchbasePersistentEntity<?>,
CouchbasePersistentProperty> mappingContext, final String typeKey) {
super(mappingContext, typeKey);
this.typeMapper = new TypeBasedCouchbaseTypeMapper(typeKey);
and custom annotation @DocumentType
public @interface DocumentType {
String value();
Then create TypeAwareTypeInformationMapper
which will just check if an entity is annoatated by @DocumentType
if so, use value from that annotation, do the default if not (fully qualified class name)
public class TypeAwareTypeInformationMapper extends SimpleTypeInformationMapper {
public Alias createAliasFor(TypeInformation<?> type) {
DocumentType[] documentType = type.getType().getAnnotationsByType(DocumentType.class);
if (documentType.length == 1) {
return Alias.of(documentType[0].value());
return super.createAliasFor(type);
Then register it as following
public class TypeBasedCouchbaseTypeMapper extends DefaultTypeMapper<CouchbaseDocument> implements CouchbaseTypeMapper {
private final String typeKey;
public TypeBasedCouchbaseTypeMapper(final String typeKey) {
super(new DefaultCouchbaseTypeMapper.CouchbaseDocumentTypeAliasAccessor(typeKey),
Collections.singletonList(new TypeAwareTypeInformationMapper()));
this.typeKey = typeKey;
public String getTypeKey() {
return typeKey;