I have been dissecting some code and I saw something I haven't seen before, and I was wondering if it is a good/bad practice and if it is normal.
Basically there is a header file with a class definition for a class with a bunch (around 90) of pure virtual functions. There are a lot of these virtual functions, so they are all put into a separate file and then included in the class definition like so:
class Foo
virtual ~Foo() {};
#define FOO_VIRTUAL_IMPL = 0
#include "Foo_prototypes.h"
#if ! defined(FOO_VIRTUAL_IMPL)
virtual void doSomething() FOO_VIRTUAL_IMPL;
virtual void doSomethingElse() FOO_VIRTUAL_IMPL;
Is using the define macro like that also common (i.e. allowing the same include file to be used for pure virtual and normal virtual functions)? Is this sort of stuff used often, or just for little hacks to save a little bit of time/effort?
I suppose these things made the code seem less readable to me, but it may just be because I am not used to these tricks and once I get used to them I will be better equipped to read this sort of code.
The code in question is Interactive Brokers' C++ API, if anyone cares to see it in context. Relevant files are: EWrapper.h and TestCppClient.h and EWrapper_prototypes.h.
makes your code idiosyncratic and harder to read. What's wrong with= 0;
? – Pantie=0
for that. A class with a pure virtual function cannot be instantiated (so it is necessary to derive from it, and override all pure virtuals - and optionally call the base class version that has been defined). – Resolve