For whoever lands into this issue and to save you hours of headaches.
Caveats with above answers
- Simply reloading the page with a new URL (e.g.
) does not solve it since that means that a potential spider already received 200.
- Simply copying the routes, is a half-solution. That works with URLs that are never going to change and by checking the validity of the URL structure. So for example it can check if the book id in
has the right format, but it can't check if books/123
actually exists in the backend.
Here's two approaches that can tackle the above issues
- Have Nginx to make a mirrored subrequest to the backend to check if the resource actually exists. Then always return index.html but with the status from the subrequest's response. This is very tricky with Nginx, since by design it makes it very hard to combine answers.
- Have the backend API to return index.html for
Accept: text/html
. Then Nginx simply needs to forward responses.
The first solution is a pain in the ass for someone not familiar with Nginx. It requires to get Lua with OpenResty and then again you will run into all kinds of quirks with how Nginx works. You end up with a lot of hard-to-read code and that makes it extra hard if you further-more want to introduce caching.
The second solution is easier. The only possible negative is that it means that you can't view the API from the browser if that's something currently you have in place.
nginx.config (when API responds with index.html on Accept: text/html
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ @fallback;
location @fallback {
rewrite ^(.*) /api$1 break;
proxy_set_header "Accept" "text/html";
proxy_pass http://localhost:8000;
In this case, Nginx will try first to serve the file and in case it doesn't find it locally, it will go through the fallback.
In the fallback we rewrite the URI to match what the backend server expects. In this example I prepend api/
to each request. Then I add the header Accept: text/html
so that the backend API will respond with the index.html instead of JSON. And lastly we directly give back the response to the client.
This has the below benefits:
- It does not rely on Nginx so it can work with any reverse proxy. Most importantly it does not rely on the proxy server to have certain features.
- Works even during development without having Nginx running.
- Easy to write tests for. You simply have to test your backend API for spitting out
when given Accept: text/html
for any endpoint.
- Does not require you to manually update Nginx configuration with each new endpoint.
Furthermore you can change the config to make Nginx follow redirects internally, and possibly not even having to look at the backend API for URLs that never change.
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html =404;
– Lavern