I am trying to use the Entity Framework Core interpolated SQL query function in F# which requires a FormattableString
. However to my surprise it doesn't function as I cannot find a way to convert a regular F# string to that type. I figured just doing what you do in C# would work but it doesn't. Here is the code I currently have:
let fromDbUser (u : Entity.User) =
name = u.Name
age = u.Age
phone = u.Phone
let mname = "Foo"
let ctx = new Entity.DatabaseContext()
ctx.User.FromSqlInterpolated($"Select * FROM User Where name = {mname};")
|> Seq.map(fromDbUser)
|> printfn "%A"
Running that block of code yields a compile error:
This token is reserved for future use
I have been trying to google around but I was unable to find any way to get this to work, any help would be most appreciated!