In many confirmation dialogs it is usefull to have such option (quick wayt to disable confirmation). But i can't find how to do that. I don't want to design it myself because i need this dialog to be standard-like and don't wont to redesign with every update of Delphi. Is there simple way to use Delphi standard confirmation dialog with such checkbox ?
UPDATE2. Suggested SynTaskDialog library from Synopse project does great job (all i need and even more), i will use it in my projects. Thanks!
UPDATE. So, thank you guys for ideas. System function MessageBoxCheck is nice solution but seem to be not so stable as it should be. In general i agree that it is good idea to use latest API functions to provide users with best UI experience of modern os and use old-fashioned design for older systems. At moment i stay on simple solution (code is following), but if someone share the code with support of UI for modern OS, it will be nice.
function MsgDlgWithCB(const Msg,Title,CBMsg: string; DlgType: TMsgDlgType;
Buttons: TMsgDlgButtons; DefaultButton: TMsgDlgBtn;
var cbDontAskAnymore: TCheckBox): TForm;
i: integer;
b: TButton;
y: integer;
Result := CreateMessageDialog(Msg, DlgType, Buttons, DefaultButton) ;
Result.Position := poScreenCenter;
cbDontAskAnymore := TCheckBox.Create(Result);
cbDontAskAnymore.Caption := CBMsg;
cbDontAskAnymore.Width := 130;
y := -1;
for i := 0 to result.ComponentCount-1 do
if result.Components[i] is TButton then
b := TButton(result.Components[i]);
b.Left := b.Left + cbDontAskAnymore.Width + 16;
Result.ClientWidth := Max(Result.ClientWidth, b.Left+b.Width+16);
y := b.Top+b.Height-cbDontAskAnymore.Height;
if y<0 then
y := Result.ClientHeight - cbDontAskAnymore.height - 16;
Result.Caption := Title;
cbDontAskAnymore.Parent := Result;
cbDontAskAnymore.Top := y;
cbDontAskAnymore.Left := 8;
function MessageDlgCheckbox(const Msg: string; DlgType: TMsgDlgType;
Buttons: TMsgDlgButtons; DefaultButton: TMsgDlgBtn;
var cbDontAskAnymore: Boolean;
const Title: string ='Confirmation';
const CBMsg: string = 'Don''t ask anymore'): integer;
f: TForm;
c: TCheckbox;
f := MsgDlgWithCB(Msg,Title,CBMsg,DlgType,Buttons,DefaultButton,c);
result := f.ShowModal;
cbDontAskAnymore := c.Checked;
function is the most Windows natural way to go. – CerateSHMessageBoxCheck
is kinda off-topic for this Q, but there is no way for given specs – Travers