Using this (Thanks to Ahmet Kakıcı who found this), I figured out how to add Bicubic Interpolation. For those also looking for the answer, here is what I used:
private float CubicPolate( float v0, float v1, float v2, float v3, float fracy ) {
float A = (v3-v2)-(v0-v1);
float B = (v0-v1)-A;
float C = v2-v0;
float D = v1;
return A*Mathf.Pow(fracy,3)+B*Mathf.Pow(fracy,2)+C*fracy+D;
In order to get 2D Interpolation, I first got the x, then interpolated the y. Eg.
float x1 = CubicPolate( ndata[0,0], ndata[1,0], ndata[2,0], ndata[3,0], fracx );
float x2 = CubicPolate( ndata[0,1], ndata[1,1], ndata[2,1], ndata[3,1], fracx );
float x3 = CubicPolate( ndata[0,2], ndata[1,2], ndata[2,2], ndata[3,2], fracx );
float x4 = CubicPolate( ndata[0,3], ndata[1,3], ndata[2,3], ndata[3,3], fracx );
float y1 = CubicPolate( x1, x2, x3, x4, fracy );
Where ndata is defined as:
float[,] ndata = new float[4,4];
for( int X = 0; X < 4; X++ )
for( int Y = 0; Y < 4; Y++ )
//Smoothing done by averaging the general area around the coords.
ndata[X,Y] = SmoothedNoise( intx+(X-1), inty+(Y-1) );
(intx and inty are the floored values of the requested coordinates. fracx and fracy are the fractional parts of the inputted coordinates, to be x-intx
, and y-inty
, respectively)