Using Sql server 2005
I need to call a stored procedure that has many parameters and one which is an image column that is used for word document. I cannot change database since it's not under my control. I cannot seem to set a result of an openrowset to a variable as I get
The text, ntext, and image data types are invalid for local variables.
What is a work around?
Below is the code that cannot make it work.
DECLARE BinaryContent image
SET @BinaryContent=(SELECT BulkColumn FROM OPENROWSET(BULK N'C:\mydoc.docx', SINGLE_BLOB) blob
EXEC [dbo].[InsertWordDocument]
@Id = NEWID,
@Name = N'DocName',
@Description = N'DescriptionToChange',
@BinaryColumn =@BinaryContent
How can I make the above work?
Many thanks.