To solve (on Mac OS X):
- Rename myapp.ipa to
- Unzip
- Go to the created "Payload" folder
- Right click and click "Show package content"
- Open info.plist in a text editor
Change the value string of MinimumOSVersion to (at least this is what I put in, and it works)
Save the file and exit
- Right click the Payload folder and click "Compress 'Payload'"
- Rename back to myapp.ipa (where myapp is the original name of your ipa)
You have now solved this problem, however you may get an error when uploading, that the code signing is not messed up. I could upload OK but then when I went to the Prelaunch section of itunesconnect, it said "Invalid Binary" after 15 minutes.
In this case, also complete the following steps:
Create a file called Entitlements.plist in the same folder as your ipa, with the following content:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
Where XXXXXXXX is your team(?) code in your Distribution Certificate KeyChain Access, and is your app's app ID.
Then run the following code in the terminal
/usr/bin/codesign -f -s "iPhone Distribution: MyName Surname (XXXXXXXX)" "--resource-rules=./Payload/" --entitlements "Entitlements.plist" "./Payload/"
These steps should of course be taken before the last two steps above :)
UPLOAD and it should work!