Is it somehow possible to track custom events with gatsby and google analytics?
I've used ReactGA in conjunction with Gatsby and had good success.
For basic event tracking - like logging a clicked link - it's very easy to use. You create a logging function in your component that accesses ReactGA.event
and then invoke it in your render function using onClick
Example component logging a PDF download:
import React from 'react'
import Link from 'gatsby-link'
import ReactGA from 'react-ga'
import logo from './logo.png'
import financials from './Annual_Report_Financials_2017_FINAL.pdf'
class LoggingDownload extends React.Component {
logger() {
// Detect each click of the financial PDF
category: 'Financial Download',
action: 'User clicked link to view financials'
render() {
return (
<nav className="nav-container">
<Link to="/locations">
<img className="logo" src={logo} alt="Logo" />
<ul className="nav-item-container">
<li className="nav-item">
<a href="/shortsignup/" target="_blank">Join Us</a>
<li className="nav-item">
<a href={financials} onClick={this.logger} target="_blank" id="financials-pdf">Financials</a>
export default LoggingDownload
There are tons more use cases - check out ReactGA docs.
Also: don't forget to include ggatsby-plugin-google-analytics
in your gatsby-config.js
file as a dependency to getting the above to work correctly:
resolve: `gatsby-plugin-google-analytics`,
options: {
trackingId: "UA-#########-##",
// Puts tracking script in the head instead of the body
head: false,
// Setting this parameter is optional
respectDNT: true,
inserts GA into the end of the body of your site automatically, so basic pageviews are easily tracked that way. And if you need event tracking, outbound links, that's where I've used react-ga
. I think you could setup pageview tracking without gatsby-plugin-google-analytics
if you wanted a very slightly cleaner dependency chain. –
Egwan For anyone who is still wondering, gatsby-plugin-google-analytics
is not the approach I would take for google analytics. What you are looking for is gatsby-plugin-google-gtag. This plugin automatically sends pageviews, as well as makes the gtag
event available on the window.
window.gtag("event", "click", { })
Google also gives us migration docs for anyone who is still using gatsby-plugin-google-analytics
you can find here (link also in the gatsby docs).
is not what I am looking for. It does not even states that analytics only works in production, while gtag
clearly defines that with big NOTE
wording. Love it so far –
Kalgan You can use the provided OutboundLink for simple link tracking:
import React from "react"
import { OutboundLink } from "gatsby-plugin-google-gtag"
export default () => (
<OutboundLink href="">
Visit the Google Global Site Tag plugin page!
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