I get this errror when I build my Gatsby project.. It does still build, but the error appears in the terminal when i 'Gatsby build' and 'Gatsby develop'.. Anybody has any idea how I can fix this? Let me know if you need more from me!
Unexpected key "componentDataDependencies" found in preloadedState argument passed to createStore. Expected to find one of the known reducer keys instead: "nodes", "logs", "pages", "redirects", "schema", "definitions", "staticQueryComponents", "status",
"webpack", "pageData", "themes", "webpackCompilationHash", "config", "lastAction", "jobsV2", "pageDataStats", "components", "babelrc", "jobs", "nodesByType", "program", "resolvedNodesCache", "nodesTouched", "flattenedPlugins", "pendingPageDataWrites",
"schemaCustomization", "inferenceMetadata", "staticQueriesByTemplate", "queries", "visitedPages". Unexpected keys will be ignored.